Saturday, February 28, 2009

I heart Jesus

I just love this version of this song and long for the day people can be free in worship like this. When I watch this video I feel the freedom and liberty they are worshipping in and it stirs my heart! Enjoy.


jacksta said...

OH MY GOSH!!! Im am loving this Jesus culture music, have been listening to it all night. I want that CD and I love that voice!!

Kate said...

I know! Kim Walker has an amazing voice. I also like 'You won't Relent'. You should definately invest in one.

Rachel Kate said...

you can get the cd through their website... it will arrive quicker then ordering through Christian Bookshop :)

Rachel Kate said...

there's 2 JC albums which also come with a free DVD and Kim Walker has her own album too which is really good!

Rachel Kate said...

do they? man im behind the times haha hay love ur new hair colour btw... suits u :)