Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Life, oh life!

As a young woman, the words she was about to hear would be shattering.

"I love you, " she gasped for breath, "and I know you are going to make a wonderful wife and mother one day."

That was the moment. That was the punch through the heart. The realisation that she would not have her mother for much longer.

She looked at her father. How was it he could be so strong? She fought back the tears. "I love you too mum."

Life had thrown the most damaging dart. She could hardly breathe, what will she do now?

Sometimes the most horrible things happen, and we are faced with a choice. Turn to God, the only one who can truly comfort and heal, or run far from Him, believing blindly that the world will soothe our pain.

I think the thing people struggle with the most is wanting to understand God. Why does He let bad things happen? Hey I'm a believer, why so much sorrow?

So we look to the Word.

Find me one fairy tail ending in the Bible that didn't have some huge battle, or betrayal or death?!

This life requires a deep faith in God and trust that He has it all under control.

Each person has something amazing to offer this hurting world.

Not only salvation through Jesus, but a genuine love.

That person needs someone to that listening ear.

She needs support through her grieving...just be there.

He's been abused and needs to know what it is to be truly him unconditionally.

Are we not called to be God's hands and feet?

It requires more than a passing smile or 'Hi how ya doing?'

Jesus said, " In this world there will be trouble, but behold! I have overcome the world!"

I encourage all of us to step out and help someone this week, because you want to, because God has placed His love inside your heart, because it is now overflowing.

May Jesus always be your treasure, may He always hold your affections.



The greatest mystery.

Filled with surprises both good and bad. Sometimes more bad than good!

The great thing about life is that we never stop learning, about others , about ourselves and about God.


Symon said...

Wow, amazing post! Welcome to blogworld! Looking forward to more posts from you. GBU

PaisleyJade said...

Kate, that is so powerfully beautiful! Thank you for that amazing post... brought tears to my eyes! xK

Miss Elizabeth said...

very kewl kate.! Well said.

PaisleyJade said...

Re your comment on my post... that is disgusting!!! Your poor mum.. so glad we didn't get to that stage (actually tasting it!)

Rachel Kate said...

yay your blogs up :) and its so not that emo. love ya flatty

PaisleyJade said...

When's the next post coming 'KW from K'?