Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Daughters of Eve

I was reading Genesis and found something that interested me...

It was while reading about the curses that were laid out after Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

It's what God said to Eve: Genesis 3 vs 16 onwards (NKJV)

To the woman He said:

"I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception;

In pain you shall bring forth children.

Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you."

OK, so I get the childbirth pain being a curse..but "Your desire shall be for your husband." ?!?

How is this a bad thing?

I thought about this for a while, and I got to thinking as a woman, how important and crucial it is to have the approval of a male figure in my life. Not only me but women all over the world. We strive to please. To look good. It's like a deep seeded thing. I haven't met a woman yet who doesn't suffer from it! WE LONG to be DESIRED! To be known as beautiful. To know that we are pleasing.

It is a burden, because we all fall short. It's never good enough. We fear failure. That someone, some other woman might take our place. That we might not be adored forever.

So this desire is a deep seeded thing, maybe placed there at the begining of time ( thanks to our sponsors, Adam and Eve!) This is why we need to be close to God, our Father. Our friend and Lover of our soul. If our affections are first and foremost on God and our relationship always growing stronger, we overcome.

It's not easy being a daughter of Eve, is it?! :)


Rachel Kate said...

so true kate... and unlike the pain of childbirth, we're stuck with this one all of the time haha

Symon said...

A dislocated shoulder is worse than childbirth ;-) Great post Kate!

Stephen said...

And a tupperware party is worse than all of the above. Yeah ditto, great post!

Rachel Kate said...


Kate said...

Oh Popa Symon...I bet childbirth would put that shoulder in perspective! ;) haha. That must have been incredibly painful da man.

Neen said...

Yes another great post! Maybe us gals should have a no shave, no makeup, no brush our teeth day sometime! See if the guys around us notice.

Stephen said...

That's just standard procedure. I'm sure we wouldn't be too offended at a couple of girls joining the trend.

Miss Elizabeth said...

No it's not ezy bein a daughter of Eve...

Symon said...

Neen... please don't!